Why the Second Crusade failed so spectacularly

Defeated crusader knight
Defeated crusader knight. Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/knight-beaten-medieval-battle-321443/

Under the blazing sun of July 1148, the crusader armies gathered outside the ancient city of Damascus, brimming with a zealous determination that soon unraveled into chaos.


Thousands of knights and soldiers, exhausted from weeks of grueling travel, prepared for what they believed would be a swift and glorious conquest.


The orchards surrounding the city buzzed with the clash of steel and the shouts of commanders, but the crusaders’ confidence began to falter as days passed with no significant progress.


Their once-unified resolve splintered into bitter disagreements and was about to implode...

The shocking fall of Edessa

In late 1144, the fall of Edessa to Zengi, the atabeg of Mosul, sent shockwaves through the Crusader states and Europe.


Edessa was the first Crusader state established after the First Crusade and had long served as a defensive stronghold on the eastern frontier.


Zengi, who was an ambitious and determined leader, capitalized on internal weaknesses within the city and its surrounding territories.


The city’s ruler, Count Joscelin II, had left Edessa poorly defended while seeking alliances elsewhere, which allowed Zengi to besiege and overwhelm the garrison. 

As news of Edessa’s fall reached Europe, its impact became a catalyst for renewed efforts to reclaim the Holy Land.


The city’s loss not only weakened the Crusader states militarily but also undermined their psychological hold over the region.


Edessa had been a vital Christian outpost that symbolized the early triumphs of the Crusades, and its sudden collapse underscored the fragility of those gains.


Reports of massacres and forced conversions among Edessa’s Christian population intensified the sense of urgency among European leaders, who viewed the event as a direct threat to their religious and political interests. 

In December 1145, Pope Eugenius III issued Quantum Praedecessores, a formal call to arms for the recovery of Christian lands lost in the Levant.


Eugenius was newly ascended to the papacy and deeply influenced by the ideals of his mentor Bernard of Clairvaux, who framed the crusade as both a spiritual obligation and a defensive necessity.


By invoking the heroic deeds of the First Crusade, he appealed to the collective memory of Europe’s nobility. 

Through the efforts of Bernard of Clairvaux, who was an eloquent and influential preacher, the call gained unprecedented momentum across France and Germany.


In Vezelay in 1146, Bernard’s impassioned speech before King Louis VII of France inspired widespread support for the crusade.


This led the king to publicly take the cross. The event, which included the enthusiastic response of nobles and knights, reinforced the perception of the crusade as a divinely sanctioned mission.


Meanwhile, Pope Eugenius declared indulgences for crusaders, which absolved them of their sins, and secured the Church’s protection of their lands and families during their absence.


By 1147, the campaign had grown into an international effort. 

Kings take the cross: The leaders of the 2nd Crusade

In 1146, King Louis VII of France became the first European monarch to respond to Pope Eugenius III’s call for the 2nd Crusade.


He sought to atone for the burning of Vitry-le-François earlier in his reign, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 civilians.


His commitment to the crusade was not only a spiritual undertaking but also a demonstration of his authority and piety as a Christian ruler.


Louis mustered an army of approximately 30,000 soldiers, including a contingent of knights and infantry. 

Meanwhile, Emperor Conrad III of Germany, who was the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, followed suit later that year.


Conrad had been directly persuaded by Bernard’s impassioned sermons and the urgent pleas of papal envoys.


He agreed to participate despite the internal challenges he faced in consolidating power within his realm.


By 1147, Conrad had assembled a force of around 20,000 troops, consisting of knights, infantry, and auxiliary units.  

Notably, Conrad and Louis chose separate routes to the Levant. Together, the participation of these two monarchs represented an unprecedented level of royal involvement in crusading efforts.


Their leadership amplified the movement’s legitimacy and mobilized resources across their respective territories.


However, the recruitment of such sizable armies presented logistical challenges, including the need to secure supplies and maintain discipline during the journey.


By 1147, both leaders had embarked on the arduous march toward the Holy Land, carrying the expectations of Christendom and the weight of their personal ambitions. 

The bloody journey to the Holy Land

In 1147, King Louis VII of France and Emperor Conrad III of Germany led their forces through Byzantine territory, relying on pre-existing routes that connected Europe to the Levant.


Conrad’s army, which set out first, traveled through Hungary before crossing into the Byzantine Empire near Belgrade.


Along the way, the German crusaders encountered issues with supply shortages and poor discipline among the troops, which strained relations with local populations.


Near Philippopolis, several skirmishes erupted between the German forces and Byzantine soldiers, which showed the growing mistrust between the two groups. 

Meanwhile, King Louis VII and his army followed a similar route but arrived in Constantinople later in the year.


By the time Louis reached Byzantine territory, Emperor Manuel I Komnenos had grown increasingly wary of the crusaders’ intentions.


The Byzantine ruler, who was embroiled in his own conflicts with Norman Sicily, feared that the large crusader armies might pose a threat to his empire.


To mitigate this, Manuel arranged for the French and German forces to be transported across the Bosporus as quickly as possible, aiming to reduce the risk of prolonged interaction with his subjects.


This arrangement, while efficient in some respects, created logistical bottlenecks and heightened tensions between the crusaders and their Byzantine hosts. 

In Anatolia, the journey became even more perilous as the armies faced harsh conditions and persistent attacks from Turkish forces.


Conrad’s army, which moved ahead of the French, suffered devastating losses near Dorylaeum due to a lack of preparation and poor coordination.


Reports indicated that as much as half of the German force was decimated during this phase of the campaign.


Louis’s forces, which traveled through Anatolia shortly afterward, encountered similar challenges, including starvation, disease, and unrelenting harassment by Turkish raiders.


By the time both armies reached the Levant, their numbers had been severely diminished, and their morale had deteriorated. 

Faith, factions, and failure: What tore the crusade apart?

The crusade’s sacred mission often masked significant divisions, as leaders pursued divergent goals shaped by their political and territorial ambitions.


Internally, the crusade suffered from persistent factionalism, which eroded trust and cooperation among the leaders.


The Kingdom of Jerusalem, which was led by King Baldwin III and the powerful barons of the Crusader States, struggled to align their priorities with those of the European monarchs.


Baldwin and his allies favored an attack on Ascalon, a critical coastal stronghold, to secure their borders against Egyptian forces.


However, Louis and Conrad, who were more interested in decisive victories that would enhance their reputations in Europe, supported the ill-fated plan to target Damascus. 

As the crusade progressed, personal rivalries and mistrust among the leaders further destabilized the effort.


Conrad III, who commanded the German contingent, became increasingly alienated after suffering devastating losses in Anatolia.


His strained relationship with the French leadership, particularly with King Louis VII, hindered attempts to coordinate their depleted forces.


In the Levant, the lack of a clear chain of command exacerbated these divisions. Local barons, including Raymond II of Tripoli, often acted autonomously.


They prioritized their own regional interests over the broader objectives of the crusade.  

The disastrous Siege of Damascus

In July 1148, the crusader armies converged on Damascus, determined to capture one of the most prominent cities in the Levant.


Motivated by the belief that the fall of Damascus would secure a critical foothold for the Crusader States, King Louis VII of France, Emperor Conrad III of Germany, and the local barons of the Kingdom of Jerusalem joined forces for the assault.


Initially, the crusaders advanced from the west, where the orchards outside Damascus provided cover and a source of water.


This positioning offered an early advantage, as it enabled the combined forces to establish a base from which to launch their attacks on the city’s defenses.

However, as the siege progressed, strategic disagreements among the crusader leaders undermined their efforts.


After several days of fierce resistance from the city’s defenders, the crusaders made a fateful decision to shift their position to the drier and more exposed eastern side of Damascus.


This move was driven by promises of support from disaffected local factions within the city, but left the crusaders vulnerable and without reliable access to water.


As a result, their forces began to weaken, while the defenders, under the leadership of the Zengid governor, used the opportunity to consolidate their position and mount counterattacks. 

Thanks to these miscalculations, the crusaders lost their momentum. The leaders, already strained by mutual distrust, failed to coordinate their efforts effectively.


Following this, reinforcements from Nur ad-Din, the Zengid ruler of Aleppo, arrived to relieve Damascus.


Facing the prospect of annihilation, the crusaders abandoned the siege after only four days.

What happened to the Crusader forces and leaders?

In the immediate aftermath of the failed siege of Damascus in July 1148, the Crusader forces, demoralized and disorganized, began their retreat from the Levant.


King Louis VII of France and Emperor Conrad III of Germany struggled to maintain cohesion within their ranks.


Many knights and soldiers, who were clearly disillusioned by the lack of progress and the failures of leadership, deserted the campaign entirely or returned home in disgrace. 

Following their withdrawal, the leaders attempted to salvage their reputations but faced considerable criticism.


King Louis VII extended his stay in the Holy Land, spending months in Jerusalem to fulfill his personal vows and to avoid the perception of abandoning the crusade prematurely.


During this period, Louis sought to rebuild his authority by participating in pilgrimages and offering financial support to the Crusader States.


However, his departure for France in 1149 was the effective end of his involvement in the crusading movement.


His failure to achieve significant victories during the campaign strained his standing as a leader in France and contributed to growing tensions in his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine

Meanwhile, Conrad III returned to Constantinople in 1148, where he sought refuge with Emperor Manuel I Komnenos.


His inability to secure any lasting success during the campaign damaged his influence within the Holy Roman Empire.


Nevertheless, Conrad maintained diplomatic ties with Manuel and sought to strengthen alliances to protect his position in Europe. 

After the 2nd Crusade: What happened to the Crusader States?

As a consequence of their inability to capture Damascus, the Crusader States lost a valuable opportunity to strengthen their territorial defenses.


Damascus, which had previously been a potential ally against the Zengid rulers of Aleppo, shifted its allegiance firmly toward Nur ad-Din.


This alliance allowed Muslim forces in the region to consolidate their power, creating a unified front that threatened the fragmented Crusader States. 

Following this, the morale of the Crusader States and their European allies deteriorated.


The failure of the crusade disillusioned many in Europe who had supported the campaign, leading to a decline in enthusiasm for future crusading efforts.


Local barons in the Levant, including figures like Raymond III of Tripoli, became increasingly reliant on internal resources and defensive strategies.


This isolation made it difficult to secure external reinforcements, leaving the Crusader States vulnerable to continued attacks from expanding Muslim powers. 

Thanks to the military and political gains achieved by Nur ad-Din, the Muslim territories began to adopt a more aggressive posture against the Crusaders.


By 1154, Nur ad-Din had captured Damascus entirely, further strengthening his position and paving the way for future leaders like Saladin to continue the campaign against the Crusader States.


This period of consolidation marked a turning point in the balance of power, as Muslim rulers gained the strategic and territorial advantages necessary to challenge the remaining Crusader strongholds. 

The failure of the 2nd Crusade also influenced the planning and execution of subsequent crusades.


As a result of the disunity and poor leadership displayed during this campaign, future crusading efforts emphasized the need for better coordination and centralized command.


However, the enduring mistrust between European powers and the local Crusader States often undermined these reforms.


The 2nd Crusade’s aftermath demonstrated the fragility of the Crusader States and highlighted the growing resilience of their Muslim adversaries.