The Cuban Missile Crisis Lesson


Learning objectives

In this lesson, students will delve into the details of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, exploring the geopolitical tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the pivotal roles played by leaders like Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro, and the events leading up to and following this critical standoff. Through analyzing this historical event, students will gain insights into the complexities of international diplomacy, the impact of ideological differences on global politics, and the importance of communication and negotiation in averting potential catastrophes. Students will have the opportunity to achieve this through choosing their own method of learning, from reading, research, and watching options, as well as the chance to engage in extension activities. This lesson includes a self-marking quiz for students to demonstrate their learning.

How would you like to learn?

Option 1: Reading

Step 1: Download a copy of the reading questions worksheet below:

Cuban Missile Crisis Reading Questions.d
Microsoft Word Document 23.1 KB

Step 2: Answer the set questions by reading the following webpage:

Option 2: Internet research

Download a copy of the research worksheet below and use the internet to complete the tables.

Cuban Missile Crisis Research Worksheet.
Microsoft Word Document 23.7 KB

Option 3: Watch video

Step 1: Download a copy of the viewing questions worksheet below:

The Cuban Missile Crisis Viewing Questio
Microsoft Word Document 22.6 KB

Step 2: Answer the set questions by watching the following video:

Test your learning

Extension activities

Resources for subscribers