Hiroo Onoda: The incredible story of the Japanese WWII soldier who didn't surrender until 1974

WWII Japanese soldier hiding in the jungle
© History Skills

Deep in the dense jungles of Lubang Island, a lone Japanese soldier clung to his orders, unaware that World War II had ended nearly three decades earlier.


Hiroo Onoda continued his fight, steadfast in a war that for the rest of the world was long over. His story is one of unwavering loyalty, survival against all odds, and a startling disconnection from a rapidly changing world.


How did Onoda survive for 30 years isolated from modern civilization?


And how was he finally convinced to put down his weapons? 

Who was Hiroo Onoda?

Hiroo Onoda was born on March 19, 1922, in the village of Kamekawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan.


His early life, typical of a young man in early 20th century Japan, was shaped by a society deeply influenced by values of loyalty and duty.


In 1940, at the age of 18, Onoda took a pivotal step that would define much of his life; he enlisted in the Imperial Japanese Army.


During his time in the army, Onoda underwent rigorous training, which was designed not just to prepare soldiers for combat but also to instill a strong sense of discipline and unwavering commitment to the nation and the Emperor.

In 1944, with World War II raging, Onoda's destiny took a significant turn. He was selected for specialized training at the Nakano School, an elite intelligence training center in Tokyo.


Here, Onoda and others like him were trained in guerrilla warfare and survival skills, a curriculum reflecting Japan's strategic shift in response to the changing tide of the war.


This training emphasized the importance of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and the ability to live off the land in hostile and isolated environments.


The skills and mindset developed during this period at the Nakano School would later become crucial to Onoda’s survival in the Philippine jungle.

Hiroo Onoda in his Japanese military uniform during World War II
© History Skills

Why was he on Lubang Island?

In late December 1944, as the Pacific Theater of World War II reached its climactic stages, Hiroo Onoda was dispatched to Lubang Island in the Philippines, with the critical mission of disrupting and gathering intelligence on Allied operations.


Onoda, then a young lieutenant, arrived on the island on December 26, 1944, ready to execute his orders with the discipline and dedication instilled in him by his military training.


Upon his arrival, Onoda quickly assessed the situation. The island, although relatively small, presented a challenging terrain of dense jungle and rugged hills, ideal for guerrilla warfare tactics he was trained for.


His orders were explicit and daunting: he was to carry out guerrilla operations and not surrender under any circumstances.

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The dense jungle of Lubang Island provided both a cover and a challenge. Onoda and his group had to adapt to the harsh environment, sourcing food and water from the land and staying constantly on the move to evade enemy forces.


They survived on a diet of coconuts, bananas, and other fruits, occasionally supplemented by stolen livestock from local farms.


The physical demands of jungle life, combined with the psychological strain of being in a constant state of alert, were immense.


Yet, Onoda's leadership and survival skills kept the group alive and operational.

Onoda's ignorance of Japan's defeat

By early 1945, the tide of World War II had turned decisively against Japan. American forces began to recapture the Philippines, including landing on Lubang Island in February 1945.


Communication with Japanese command was limited and eventually ceased altogether.


The group had been given strict orders not to surrender, and in the absence of direct orders to the contrary, Onoda interpreted this as a directive to continue fighting.


Leaflets and news of Japan's surrender in August 1945 reached them, but Onoda and his men considered these to be enemy propaganda, designed to lure them out of hiding.

Onoda, however, was skeptical. Trained in propaganda warfare, he suspected these messages were Allied efforts to trick them into giving up.


His training at the Nakano School had prepared him to be wary of such tactics, reinforcing his resolve to continue fighting until he received official orders from a superior officer.

Philippines Island
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How he survived for 30 years in the jungle

Isolated in the dense jungles, Onoda and his small band of fellow soldiers had to rely on their training and ingenuity to endure.


The daily routine was a mix of reconnaissance missions, gathering intelligence, and engaging in guerrilla activities against Allied forces.


They lived in constant stealth, avoiding capture and maintaining a low profile.


He foraged for tropical fruits, hunted wild animals, and fished in the streams. His diet was supplemented by rice and other foodstuffs stolen from local farms.


Onoda also had to ensure a safe water supply, which he managed by finding and using natural water sources in the jungle.

Throughout the following years, Onoda led his group in conducting guerrilla operations, believing that their actions were contributing to the war effort.


They repaired their weapons with what little resources they had and made clothes from the barks of trees to replace their uniforms.


Despite numerous attempts by local residents and the Philippine Army to convince them the war was over, Onoda's unwavering belief in his orders kept him fighting a war that had ended for the rest of the world.


Shelter was another critical factor in Onoda's survival. He used his knowledge to construct hidden shelters from materials available in the jungle.


These shelters were not only a place to rest but also a means of protection from the elements and a way to avoid detection by locals and enemy forces.


The ability to remain hidden was crucial, and Onoda became adept at camouflaging his shelters and his presence, moving frequently to avoid leaving any lasting traces.

As the years passed, Onoda's three companions either surrendered or were killed, leaving him alone by 1972.


Onoda also maintained his weapons and ammunition with meticulous care. Despite the tropical climate, which is harsh on metal and materials, he managed to keep his rifle and limited ammunition in working condition throughout his stay.


This involved regular cleaning, careful conservation of ammunition, and even improvising repairs when necessary.



Health and hygiene were ongoing challenges. Onoda faced issues like tropical diseases, injuries, and the general physical deterioration that comes with living in such conditions for an extended period.


He managed these challenges with a basic knowledge of first aid, a careful attention to personal hygiene, and an extraordinary level of mental and physical discipline.


The psychological aspect of survival was perhaps the most daunting. Onoda had to cope with the loneliness, the uncertainty of his situation, and the constant stress of living as a fugitive.


He did this by maintaining a strict routine, adhering to his military training and discipline, and keeping focused on his mission.


This mental fortitude was as crucial as his physical survival skills, enabling him to endure the long years in isolation.

Why did Onoda finally surrender?

For the locals, Onoda's refusal to surrender and his ongoing military operations posed a real and often dangerous problem.


There were several incidents where Onoda and his companions engaged in skirmishes with local farmers and Philippine police.


These encounters sometimes resulted in injuries and, tragically, fatalities. Onoda, operating under the belief that he was still at war, viewed these civilians and local authorities as potential threats, leading to inevitable conflicts.


The local community lived in a state of uncertainty and fear due to these sporadic but dangerous encounters.


The prospect of stumbling upon Onoda or his group caused anxiety among the islanders, affecting their daily lives and activities.


Farming and fishing, essential for the local economy and sustenance, were often disrupted.


Some areas of the island became no-go zones, as locals sought to avoid any potential confrontations with the holdouts.

The turning point came in 1974, nearly 30 years after the end of the war. Norio Suzuki, a young Japanese adventurer intrigued by Onoda's story, went to Lubang Island to find him.


Suzuki successfully located Onoda and tried to convince him to surrender.


However, Onoda, still consistent with his military discipline, stated that he would only surrender if his commanding officer ordered him to do so.


The Philippine government, for its part, faced a delicate situation. Efforts to remove Onoda peacefully were complicated by his steadfast refusal to believe that the war had ended.


This situation posed a challenge to the authorities, balancing the need to ensure the safety of their citizens while trying to resolve the situation without further violence.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Japanese government located Onoda's former commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi, who had since become a bookseller.


In a surreal turn of events, Taniguchi was flown to Lubang Island to fulfill a final wartime duty.


On March 9, 1974, in an emotional and historic moment, Taniguchi formally relieved Onoda of his duties.


This act was pivotal for Onoda, who respected the chain of command and needed official orders to end his campaign.


Upon receiving these orders, Onoda surrendered, handing over his sword, a functioning Arisaka rifle, ammunition, and several hand grenades, along with his family dagger. 

How did Onoda adjust to life in the modern world?

After his surrender in 1974, Hiroo Onoda's returned to Japan captured the imagination of a nation and the world.


The man who had held onto the past for so long suddenly found himself thrust into a modern Japan that was vastly different from the one he had left behind in the 1940s.


This transition posed significant challenges for Onoda, who had to adapt to a society that had undergone profound changes in technology, culture, and values.


Initially, Onoda struggled with his newfound fame and the pace of modern life. He received extensive media attention, and his story became the subject of books and documentaries.


In public appearances and interviews, he often spoke about his experiences and the difficulties of adjusting to a world that he scarcely recognized.


Despite the initial culture shock, Onoda's resilience and adaptability, which had served him well during his years in the jungle, helped him navigate this new phase of his life.

In the years following his return, Onoda's perspective on his long holdout began to evolve.


He expressed regret over the lives lost during his time on Lubang Island, both among his comrades and the local population.


This reflection led to a broader contemplation of war and its impact on individuals and societies.


Onoda's unique experiences made him a sought-after speaker, and he often shared his thoughts on war, peace, and the human spirit.


Seeking a quieter life, Onoda moved to Brazil in 1975, where he became a cattle farmer.


This move to a rural setting, reminiscent in some ways of his life in the jungle, allowed him to find peace and a sense of purpose.


He married in 1976, further establishing his new life away from the public eye. In Brazil, he also ran a series of survival training camps, drawing on his extensive experience to teach others how to survive in harsh conditions.

Onoda returned to Japan in 1984 and established an educational camp for young people in his home prefecture of Wakayama.


Through this venture, he sought to impart values of discipline, survival skills, and an appreciation for nature to the younger generation.


His life after surrender became a journey of reconciliation with his past and an effort to contribute positively to society.


Hiroo Onoda passed away on January 16, 2014, at the age of 91.