Where to find sources on the Vietnam War

A WWII-era U.S. Army backpack hanging on the back of an olive-drab military jeep, which features a white star insignia. The sturdy canvas gear reflects wartime utility and durability.
American army Jeep and backpack. © History Skills

Primary Sources

Vietnam War - Modern History Sourcebook

Fordham University provides a list of links to online primary sources from the modern era.

American National Archives

A massive collection of resources from American history.

American Library of Congress

This is the largest library in the world and contains documents that prove very useful for modern historians.

Trove Newspapers Online

A collection of Australian newspapers from the past.

Secondary Sources

Noble Cause?: America and the Vietnam War

This is a free online textbook about the Vietnam War by Jerry DeGroot, a historian at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. This book was originally published back in 2000, but the author has now made it freely available online. It has a great bibliography and good academic discussion on the war.


An online academic database used by universities worldwide that is a superb resource for History students. To view full articles, you will require membership.

Google Scholar

This searches internet sites for academic articles and books. It often only provides one or two pages, but it is often enough to find quotes and bibliographical details.

JURN Search Engine

Search millions of free academic articles, chapters, and theses.