Where to find sources on the Aztec

A carved replica of the Aztec Sun Stone, or Calendar Stone, set in a tropical setting with lush green foliage, depicting intricate glyphs and the face of Tonatiuh, the sun god.
Aztec calendar stone. Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/the-aztec-calendar-mexico-stone-204821/

Primary Sources

Colonial Latin America - Modern History Sourcebook

Fordham University provides a list of links to online primary sources from the modern era.

The British Museum

Search the museum's extensive artefact collection.


Aztec Religion Sources

A selection of sources on the topic.

Digital Florentine Codex

The Digital Florentine Codex gives access to a singular manuscript created by Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún and a group of Nahua elders, authors, and artists. Written in parallel columns of Nahuatl and Spanish texts and hand painted with nearly 2,500 images, the encyclopedic codex is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information about Mexica culture, the Aztec Empire, and the conquest of Mexico.

Secondary Sources


An online academic database used by universities worldwide that is a superb resource for History students. To view full articles, you will require membership.

Ancient Aztecs Flipboard Magazine

A collection of online articles and news reports about the Aztecs.

Please Note: Some internet browsers do not handle the Flipboard website very well, and it is sometimes better to have the Flipboard App on your device to view the magazine.

Google Scholar

This searches internet sites for academic articles and books. It often only provides one or two pages, but it is often enough to find quotes and bibliographical details.

JURN Search Engine

Search millions of free academic articles, chapters, and theses.