The historical research process explained

Blenheim Palace in England, a Baroque estate built in the early 18th century. It was the birthplace of Winston Churchill and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Blenheim Palace and fountain. © History Skills

Researching for a History assessment piece can often be the most daunting part of the subject. However, it needn't be. Research is a systematic process that, if followed step-by-step, will become a logical and efficient part of your work. Below are links to the nine stages of good research, providing explanations and examples for each one.

Overview of the research process

Below is a pictorial explanation about how the research process works to create a hypothesis from the results of question-driven research. As you follow the research steps, each section of the diagram is completed. 

A  research framework diagram. It outlines a structured approach with a Key Question, Sub-questions, research steps, Topic Sentences, and a final Hypothesis answering the key question.
Diagram mapping the research process. © History Skills

Let's get started

Need a digital Research Journal?

Historical Research Journal
A ready-to-use digital student research journal that follows the same 9-step research process from the History Skills website. Each research stage has explanations, blank tables and hyperlinks to examples to aid with the completion of essay ... (Read More)

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