Finalising your historical research essay

Chester Cathedral, a grand Gothic-style church in England. Originally a Benedictine abbey, it features intricate stonework, pointed arches, and towering spires against a clear blue sky.
Chester Cathedral. © History Skills

Once you have received feedback on your draft from your teacher, you only need to improve your essay for final submission. Fix up any errors, add any extra information and take the time to improve your writing style.


Great writing shows sophistication, so make sure you use academic language when you write your essays.


An essay needs to be a continuous series of well-written, correctly spelled English sentences, formed into coherent paragraphs and carry a succinct argument.

Here are some final points to consider:

  • Avoid conversational or colloquial language

  • Avoid personal pronouns: do not use "I" and "my" when you write

  • Use language that is appropriate for scholarly work: it should be clear, succinct, and objective.

  • Never use racist, sexist, or offensive language.


Some simple essay tips:

  • Never use headings or sub-headings in an essay.

  • Avoid using contractions (e.g. don’t, can’t).

  • Correct spelling, grammar and sentence structures are essential.
  • Use single inverted commas (' ') when using the name of a concept or idea.
  • Make sure your Introduction agrees with your Conclusion.

How should your essay look?

Format of essays

A neat, well set out essay is easy to read and mark. Therefore, follow these simple formatting steps to improve the appearance of your work:


- Use size 12 Times New Roman font

- Use 1.5 line spacing

- Use ‘square’ justification on your paragraphs

- Indent the start of every paragraph

- Put a line of space between each paragraph

- Start your Bibliography on a new page


Need a digital Research Journal?

Historical Research Journal
A ready-to-use digital student research journal that follows the same 9-step research process from the History Skills website. Each research stage has explanations, blank tables and hyperlinks to examples to aid with the completion of essay ... (Read More)

Additional Resources

7 tips to improve your academic writing

Woman typing on a laptop
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